Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Photos: This week... a roadtrip and more of our usual jam

We came home from Parry Sound.  We hit like, the worst rain/thunderstorm on the way home... total opposite of the beautiful sunny weather we had driving up.  

Miss Baby was impeccably well behaved once again.  The one thing that breaks my heart is whenever she wakes up from napping in the car, she holds her arms out to me (her way of asking to be picked up) and she doesn't understand why I don't pick her up for after-nap hugs.

They have a drive-thru Starbuck's in Parry Sound!  
We don't usually go to Stabuck's back home... but we went twice on this trip.  
For the record, a Starbuck's is pretty inefficient as a drive-thru...but totally a great novelty for us!

We stopped at a drum shop to get Lowell's drum fixed on the way home.  I fed Rowen and let her sit in my seat while we waited.  She immediately got busy alternating between rifling through my purse and chewing on her foot. A multi-tasking Baby!

Rowen and Chip continue to be BFFs

Rowen recently got signed to a modeling agency.  I don't really want to talk about it yet though because I still have mixed feelings of gulit about being one of those mothers.  Creepy exploiting stage/pagaent (shudder!!) mothers suck!

I can't stop saying "frrrrrench toast" ala Leslie Mann in The 40 Year Old Virgin!

Dim sum

 Craaaaaazy Happy Jumping Baby

Normal Happy Jumping Baby

They opened a cupcake cart at the Dirty Duff(erin Mall).  
Sigh... not surprisingly (but happily for the fatness of my butt) they were kinda dissapointing cupcake specimens...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Roadtrip to "The Sound"

Hey Everyone!  We're in Parry Sound right now!  

What is there to do in Parry Sound?  Well, I started asking people that question a few weeks ago when Lowell got a gig up here with accomodations included and we decided to make a family trip of it....   The verdict seems that there's not much to do up here.  But it's still been fun.  We had a perfect drive up and it's rather pretty along the highway here.  The hotel is....not too swanky.  It smelled a bit funny and we have a beautiful view of the McDonald's....but there is CABLE TV!   I cancelled my cable almost 6 years ago, so staying at hotels or visiting homes with cable is pretty exciting for me.  Serious.  No sarcasm.  

This was Rowen's first long car ride and first time sleeping away from home.  So far so good - she did great in the car and went to bed at her usual bedtime!  We debated about bringing her bathtub but figured since it was only one night, she could do with a sponge bath.  I wound up taking her in the shower with me and she was surprisingly not slippery like I expected her to be.  Being the most easy going adaptable Baby ever, she had a blast.  She was skeptical at first and then proceeded to giggle and try to grab the water.

It's funny how much I found myself stressing out about packing for Rowen. We are only gone for one night but I became so worried about forgetting stuff for her.  The nice thing about her still being exclusively breastfed is that as long as we remember diapers, there's not much else that she needs.  But lots of things are important, such as her sunscreen, clothes, blankets (to protect her from icky hotel sheets laundered in god knows what detergent....), pacifiers, books, toys....  I think I probably brought enough diapers for a week and so far she's gone through 4.

And after all that, I forgot to pack bottoms for myself.  So it looks like I shall be wearing my obnoxiously bright coral shorts tomorrow as well.

I will share some more photos from our week hopefully tomorrow before we come home... gotta take advantage of that FREE WI-FI, WHAT!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photos: This week...cookies, cupcakes and a rainbow oh my

I know I already shared this.  But I baked a lot of cookies this week.  

Rowen fits into the next size up of the onesies from the Baby Shower.
C is for Cupcake designed by Auntie Ange!

I made wontons.  Well, I made the filling and cheated with store-bought wraps.

Rowen discovers and is fascinated by the pockets on her pink "hot day" romper.

Just standing around, chewing on my fingers, waiting for Daddy to wake up....wearing a drum set onesie designed by Daddy.

Visited Katelyn on the Friday before her Monday due date!  Still no Baby Boy yet as far as I'm aware...but no text responses tonight could also mean Baby Time!

Katelyn also made Rowen an amazing cupcake blanket.  I still have to get some better photos of it as Rowen is trying to eat it in all the blurry photos that I managed.  Go to Katelyn's Blog to see photos of the most amazing cupcake blanket! It's so pretty and I can't get over the fact that she made it!

Found Bean sleeping under Rowen in her crib

Got caught in a crrraaaaazy sunshower/thunderstorm driving with the Baby after Meghan's Bridal Shower on Sunday.  Saw a pretty rainbow afterwards though!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Baking Cookies

I think it's a pretty well known fact that I LOVE COOKIES!  

This past week I've been into baking chocolate chip cookies.  I've done two different batches.  I'm trying to "invent" my own cakey-chewy type chocolate chip cookies, because those are my favourite kind and I'm a weirdo who can't follow recipes.

Baking is also kinda relaxing for me.  I hate the clean up but I love the process and the eating.  Is there anything better than a fresh gooey chocolate chip cookie with a glass of (almond) milk?  

So here's a funny story.  Remember how I mentioned that we live in a small space?  Well, now that Rowen is in her Big Girl crib, her "room" is the one corner of the living room that isn't windowed.  

After Rowen went to sleep tonight, I wanted to make some cookies but I was afraid that turning on my hand mixer would wake her.  So I measured out all my ingredients into different bowls in the kitchen, brought everything into the bathroom and made cookies there!   I went back to the kitchen after after the mixing part was done....it felt kinda goofy, but it worked!  

Plus, it's very likely that my bathroom is cleaner than the kitchen.  But that's gross so don't tell anyone....

Baby Ballerina

I would like to pose a question to all of you.
I ask you.... is there anything in this Universe that is cuter than my Baby in a tutu?  

Probably not!

Friday was tutu day here.  
Ange's Mama got Rowen a bunch of amazing girly girly outfits after she was born.  I have been anxiously awaiting the day that I could break out this tutu.... and then I accidently waited too long and almost missed my window!  But miss it I did not, and I put a tutu on the Baby yesterday and all freakin' adorable overload broke loose.  Then Baxter joined the festivities and my heart promptly exploded!!

She stood in first position all on her own!  Bahaha!

She tried to eat the skirt and shoulder flowers only a few time.  It was cute.

One day, Rowen may grow up to be a tomboy and be all "awww Mom" when she sees this.  But Rowen Baby, you made my day yesterday!  Hehe, Momma has crates of her old tutus ready for you when and if you're ready!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5 months!

A few days late in posting an entry....

On Saturday, Rowen turned 5 months old.  5 months!  Okay, I don't know if I've said this before... but uh, time is flying by too quickly!  I think I've mentioned something along those lines once or twice already?

Lately, even though we see her every day, I'm finding that both Lowell and I are blurting out things like "Oh my God... she's so big!"  "Look how big she is!"   "When did she get so tall/strong?"  Miss Rowen insists on standing all the time now.  She rarely settles for sitting when she's being held in a lap.  She wants you to support her by her armpits and let her stand on her little feet.  Even more alarming to me is that occasionally, she'll stand on her own little feet while supported only by her hands!  This is all very exciting but I don't know if I've said this before...it's happening so fast!

I'll tell you more later about her hilarious new ability to chew on her own feet, her awesome new giggle (it's very French Man... Hehn-hoh-hoh-hoh!) and her adventures in her big girl crib (she's performs acrobatics every night and somehow we are miraculously insanely lucky and she continues to sleep through the night!)...

For now, I leave you with these:

Just after 5pm here...  Almost exactly 5 months old!

Her Rohawk is starting to fall flat some days because it's getting so long.  It's unpredictable.
Her hair is also starting to really thin out and I'm curious as to whether it will come back in a different colour!

"Yeah, this is my Momma.  We're pals, it's cool."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Photos: This week.... Hot Hot Summer and the Bugaboo gets a makeover

Man oh man, it has been a HOT couple of weeks! We're in full blown summer now.  I can't believe how HOT this year has been!  It wasn't this hot last summer was it?  I guess not because we're breaking all sorts of records this year.  I find these humid, hot awful days have been putting a damper on our daily walks and excursions because well, I hate being hot.  And so does the Baby!  She gets sweaty super easily and is definitely fussy and grumpy when she's too warm.  I feel guilty hanging around indoors all day because I feel like it's harder to keep her stimulated.  I'm afraid that she's bored sometimes but I really do think the air conditioning is just more Baby (and Momma) friendly.

Rowen, two days shy of 5 months in this photo.  FIVE MONTHS!

The Bugaboo got a makeover for the hot Summer days:

Before (and we'll revert back to this later in the year when it's cooler outside again)...

And after!  We got a summer canopy and seat liner to keep the sweaty Baby cool.  Now I like to call the stroller "Flounder".
Rowen is drooling and intently watching Lowell eat a wild blueberry danish from Mabel's.  She is so interested in food these days.  I'm excited about feeding her solids starting next month but it also falls under the category of things that are happening waaaaaay too fast!!!!

Went to the mall by myself this week!  Got a Cinnabon for dinner (sigh, a guilty pleasure that I can't seem to quit!).  Felt super weird about not having the Rowen the whole time...

We sold Rowen's cradle to my friend and former co-worker Ashley.  
I was really excited about seeing  pregnant Ashley for the first time and insisted on forcing her to take a photo with me!  I still can't get over it sometimes when people I've known for ages are having babies! 

The piano in Trinity-Bellwoods.  It was cool, so here is another shot from that day.

Saw this on our walk.  Cute right?

"Your hands are different from mine...."

Gooood Kitty!  

Oh man, I love those two!  

Rowen is also completely in love with her cats.  She giggles when she sees them now.  Both of the cats are astonishingly good at being careful and gentle around her.  Rowen doesn't quite get it yet but seems to understand that she can't put the cats in her mouth and is learning that she needs to be gentle.  There has definitely been a gradual decrease in ear pulling and fur grabbing...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Piano in the Park

This morning, we walked and got a one of my MOST FAVOURITE CROISSANTS IN THE CITY (and I've had a lot of croissants in this city) and then headed across the street to the park to check out the piano.  There are currently 40 or 41 pianos placed all around the city as some sort of promo/installation thing for the 2015 Pan Am Games.  

Our park got a cool, aqua coloured "Grenada" piano.

Lowell played for Rowen and a small group who gathered.  
Rowen didn't actually comprehend what was happening, but that's okay.


Earlier in the morning, we read some books.  

Rowen likes to inspect the book after we read it together.

A sign of a good book?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Momma free time vs sleep time

Sometimes when I'm awake at a stupid hour of the night and I'll see someone post a new blog entry, tweet or status update, and I get excited.  I'm all "ooooh so-and-so is awake too!!"

9 times out of 10 though, that person is in another time zone and not, in fact, also awake at a ridiculous time of night.  I know that I should sleep.  But it's a strange thing...  Those who know me know that I've never been good at going to sleep when I "should".  I know I "should" rest because well, I need to.   But these hours after Baby goes to bed are they only ones that are my own.   It's just nice going on the computer, watching some TV show on DVD (currently? 30 Rock!)  and eating pie (chocolate keylime), texting friends without juggling a baby.  

Without having to be "on" and in "alert baby caregiving" mode.  I wish there were more hours in the day sometimes.  More hours to cuddle this adorable Baby AND putter around wasting time!  


This is what I get to wake up to EVERY MORNING OMG!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Ruche contest!

Remember that cupcake onesie from Ruche that I was lusting after for Rowen?  

Well, I entered us in a contest to win a little bit of a Ruche shopping spree!  

As a general rule, I try not to spend money on "silly pretty" things since Rowen grows so fast and we are not super wealthy.  I'm confident that she has not gone without anything that she needs... and between all her amazing Aunties, Uncles and Grandparents, all her "cute" and "silly pretty" things are covered.  So yeah, this is more of a prize for me to get to dress her in things like these:

Cupcakes and tutus??  Oh my goodness!

I so hate to bother you for this... but I would also so like to get Rowen some silly pretty!   So please take a second to "Like" us on Facebook and maybe help Rowen win some silly pretty things to wear and I'll show them to you here!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Photos: This week.... Daddy's home, Auntie Annie, Cats

This week.... instragrammed.

She wants to walk soooo bad!

Trying to fit the entire Bax in her mouth

Auntie Annie came to town!!  
Annie is my very Best Friend who's amazing and living her dream to live in NYC.  I miss her so and hope that one day soon she comes home and hangs out with us some more!

Sunglasses at brunch.  Ray Ban, so hip!


More Jolly Jumping, of course.  
Bax is loving the Jolly kicks to his head.... Oh Bax.

Bean says "Do not disturb plz"

Animals are so funny.

Momma got creative with Rowen Baby's 'do...

Hey, leave us a comment if you have a sec, Friends!