Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Almost a year already

Next week, on Valentine's Day, Rowen will turn one year old.  One year old!  I follow a few other "Mommy blogs" and it seems like we all go through the same thought: "Too soon!"

That statement just begins to skim the surface.  What a year it has been.  So very much has happened in one year.  We've been on a crazy adventure, I've experienced more love, more pain and frustration, more fun and then even more love than I ever imagined possible.  It's been a very hard year but becoming a Mother has been the greatest, life changing and rewarding gift I could ever wish for.

It seems like in just the past week or two, Rowen has developed even more personality and grew up overnight.  She wore two-piece pyjamas to bed the other night and I couldn't believe how much of a little toddler she was!

This past week, we both suffered through a horrible stomach flu.  Lowell had "two puking girls" on his hands.  It was so terrible watching her be so ill, but it was also....incredibly heart-warming to see her calm, happy spirit shine through.  I really don't know how we got so lucky to have the most relaxed, zen Baby.  With that said, even though she's such a stoic little trooper, I wish I could keep her from being sick and just take all the sickness for her!

Right now, a week before her Birthday, she is on the brink of walking on her own but still hesitant to let go of our hands.  I'm so excited and also a little bit terrified of that moment that she walks without us for the first time...because that kind of just sums up what we're feeling here.  All the changes are thrilling and so rewarding but it's also crazy how scary fast it's happening!  Our little Baby is turning into a little Lady!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet baby, I wish I can be there to witness her growing up too.


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