Before we moved apartments recently and after our shower, I remember thinking "Oh my gawd, the baby has SO MUCH STUFF". And she did. Stroller, carseat, bouncy chair, high chair, clothes, toys, diapers, (count 'em... not one or two but) THREE costumes/Halloween outfits.... her *ahem* pink Cadillac.... Lots of stuff. LOTS. But now that we're down to basically ONE MONTH until d-date, I'm realizing that I dropped the ball and there are some important basics that we still need. Oops.
After weeks of doing bassinet research and taking into account all the SIDS info we got at Baby class and from the Doc, I kinda went insane about specifics. (I won't preach about them here). I'm also picky and don't want anything ugly. WHy are so many bassinets stupid and FRILLY? Barf. So it took weeks but we finally picked out a bassinet... But still have to order it.
I also need newborn sized diapers, an actual changing pad for our dresser/changing table, a tub, boobs pads and probably a few more practical (vs. adorable) sleepers. Just these "few" things and then, yeah sure, why not, let's have a baby! :D
We're probably going to try to do a cloth and disposable diaper combo. I'm debating about Bummis vs G Diapers. But that's a whole other discussion and bloggy entry right there....
One of my friends swears by cloth diapers. She uses the GroVia system (http://gro-via.com/). I've been knitting soakers to put over the diapers. My friend even says her husband will change them (if she presets the new diapers).
ReplyDeleteKrissy!!!! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up about GroVia, I actually don't know that one. But I feel like the best sort of advice/endorsements always comes from people who actually use the stuff. That's great.
You're welcome! I'm pretty sure she orders everything from http://www.caterpillarbaby.com/ if that helps :D