Today, I've done pretty much nothing and I love it. I worked all week and I'm working 10 hours both days this weekend, so I am not ashamed of hanging around all day catnapping with the cats. Plus I've done 2 loads of laundry and baked some cookies and made a baked potato salad and attempted to scrub the tub...so it's not technically nothing.
When Lowell gets home, he's getting a new exciting chore introduced to him. He gets to learn to scrub out the bathtub to my annoyingly specific standards, that lucky boy! I tried to do it and as it turns out, my belly's starting to get in the way and my goddamn fucked up back/sciatic nerve is making it difficult to do repetitive motions while bent over. Bahaha another chore I get to pass off!
If anyone needs me, I shall be laying on the couch with both cats, eating warm chocolate chip cookies and sipping milk (goddamn heartburn) from a wine glass. Bahahaha!
I used to own this awesome totebag with the above picture on it. It was awesome and I loved that bag. if anyone knows where I can find another one or wants to make me one, I'll bake you a million cookies.
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